Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Life moves so fast, doesn't it?

This weekend I turned 31.  We traveled to Yakima for the long weekend, it's been too long since we've been home.

We traveled over Saturday morning and witnessed a scary car accident happen right in front of us.  There were two cars in the left lane (ours and another guy in front of us) and a SUV with a camper and semi in the right line, slightly ahead of us.  The SUV with a camper tried to get over and somebody sideswiped somebody.

I was looking down at my phone when Ahron said "Uh-oh."  I looked up to see the camper fishtailing and I knew we were about to witness an accident.  The SUV and camper flipped.  The SUV rolled once and landed upright on the side of the road.  The camper landed on its side in front of the SUV.  The semi was able to pull off safely.

We slowed way down and pulled over.  Thankfully I could see both occupants of the SUV moving and they got out of their car.  Ahron got out to check on them and make sure there were no injuries.  Miraculously they landed upright and they were definitely shaken but it didn't seem anyone was hurt.  Another car had stopped to help as well and we decided to go ahead and go since everyone was okay.

I've never witnessed an accident like that and I'm just so grateful as it could have been so much worse.

Saturday night we celebrated out at Bob's Burger & Brew and went home to have cake.

Sunday we decided to BBQ so my mom and I shopped for that and got a little Kohl's time in as well so I could buy her Mother's Day gift.

Overall it was a really fun weekend spent with the family.  I have to say though it was so wonderful to crawl into my own bed last night and be safe and sound at home.

31 is going to be an amazing year!

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Low-Key Kind of Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day and it was so nice to be celebrated and loved by my children and husband.

We kept it low-key and had a great day.  Ahron took care of all of the cleaning and cooking for the day (really, what better gift could you get from your spouse?).  Lainie made me a bookmark and a coupon book at school.  Miles made me a flower vase.

Last minute I decided to head up to the Kitsap Antique Fair in Bremerton and just check out the scene up there, so I did get a few hours to myself.  Later in the afternoon, Miles and Lainie practiced riding their bikes.

They both can ride with no training wheels now!  I was commenting to Ahron how it took Lainie so long to be able to do it.  She's extremely cautious and waits until she has no fear.  It really took her two years to achieve this.  I remember trying to teach her a few years ago how to ride her bike but she fell a couple of times and that upset her.  When we pumped her bike tires this year she just hopped on it a couple of weeks ago and was riding like it was no big deal.

Miles, seeing his sister's success, asked to take his training wheels off.  My big boy just turned six and was absolutely determined to ride without training wheels.  He ended up spending a few hours on Saturday in the back yard trying to get the hang of it.  Sunday morning he was riding around the back yard unassisted!

Learning to ride a bike is one of those essential childhood skills you just have to have.  I remember loving my bikes and the tiny bit of freedom they brought.

In the evening after we ate dinner Lainie insisted on giving me a pedicure.  She is so sweet when she wants to be.  All in all, it was a fabulous day.  I'm so blessed.   Next big happening in our family, my 31st birthday is coming up and we're spending Memorial Day weekend in Yakima!  I can't wait to be home for the weekend.  

Thursday, May 2, 2013