Saturday, March 5, 2011

Homecoming prep and other things

This past week had a nice balance of keeping steadily busy but not overly busy.
I feel strongly about maintaining balance, but things, life, I should say tends to get off-kilter more often then not.   A couple of months ago at our MOPS group, we had a guest speaker named Sara share that instead of balance, we should be striving for peace.  Peace with God, peace within ourselves and those around us.  That seems to be sound advice to follow.  It's really hard to have balance all the time.  It's much easier to find peace. 

Monday I took my dog Chloe to the vet for a simple rabies shot which turned into a $126 appointment after it was discovered that she had a yeast infection in her ears and some waxy build up.  She truly is my dog!

Thursday we had our first t-ball practice.  It was cold, it was wet, it was muddy and okay I'll say it... miserable.  My poor kids.  They were like fish out of water with the whole sports thing and I found myself feeling really guilty because Ahron's not here on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis to teach them about our passion and love for the sport of baseball.  Or heck, I just want them to learn to play catch together. 

After watching my very busy three-year old run around like a madman, jumping in mud puddles and obsessively trying to bat, I realized I would have to pull him off of the team and wait another year until he is old enough to sit and listen to any other authority besides me and his preschool teacher, Miss Ellie.  Let's all pray I can get a refund.

Last night I decided to take the kids to Red Robin for dinner but since everyone else in Kitsap County had the same idea we ended up foregoing the wait and heading over to Chuck E. Cheese (my worst nightmare restaurant but the kids' dream restaurant).  They had a blast though, and it made them both crash before 9:30 so I was happy.

During the course of the week I received their custom made "Welcome Home Daddy" t-shirts for homecoming.  That was a nice thing to get.  It's truly a reminder that this is all about to be over.  Onward with the homecoming planning.  I need to get that small gift and check out the pricing on the other big gift.  Also, this week will be the start of the reorganizing in the house.  Cupboards need to get cleaned out.  Excess toys need to get donated.  A little pre-spring cleaning if you will.  Plus my house needs it.  We're about to have four extra houseguests at the end of the month and I don't want to look like a hoarder. 

People keep asking me if I'm excited or when they hear we are getting closer to the end, "Oh you must be so happy." 

I am definitely excited and happy but also nervous, anxious, terrified to have a husband again.  When you're with your spouse you are different.  Just as when you are with your family you are different. 

Have you ever said to your spouse, "When you're with your friends/brother/dad, you turn into a different person!"
The difference may only be slight, but it's still there. 

My biggest concerns right now are over menial things like actually having to plan a dinner beyond chicken nuggets and having an increased housework load but in the back of my mind I'm scared so many bigger issues will come up later as we work through the homecoming process (and it is a process). 

I guess I should start thinking about ways to keep our home peaceful and balanced during this process, especially for our children who deserve to have peace and balance, because let's face it, this lifestyle can be very stressful for them.  They are such brave little ones and I'm proud to be their mom. 

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