Sunday, October 14, 2018

We Were Made for the Sunshine

Last year at this time we were getting orders for San Diego again.

Initially we were on track for orders to Maryland and some people who really wanted my husband down here worked behind the scenes to make it happen. 

After 11 years in Washington, I'd grown restless by the constant drizzle and gray skies.  Uprooting my family I knew was a risk but I was ready to go.  Have you ever reached that point where you feel you've outgrown every friend group and you just don't fit in anywhere?  The 2016 presidential election took a huge toll on my mental health.  The subsequent 2017 deployment almost destroyed my faith completely, and my depression and anxiety reared its head and ruled my life with intrusive thoughts and paralyzing fear.  In August my dear Aunt Teresa died and that felt like the tipping point. 

In September I decided I needed to talk to someone and did and it helped greatly.  After my husband returned home in late November, we spent the next 3-4 months learning how to be a family again.  Then full steam ahead to Realtors, house listings and packing/cleaning.  We packed out May 21st and left the state of Washington June 11th.
Tomorrow marks 4 months since we've moved here and a lot has changed.  It was a tough transition and we've downsized into a house half the size in a cookie cutter neighborhood.  But we've also gained a lot of wonderful things in the process.

My oldest daughter has become a teenager and we are treading the waters carefully and we are all learning how to communicate with each other.  The first year of her teenage-hood was a doozy but I feel like we are on a better path now.  This is a road we've not walked before and it is filled with all sorts of new worries and fears.  At the same time those values we pushed when she was a small child are more now more important than ever.  We have 4, 4, 4 years to prepare this child for complete adulthood.  We want her to be ready for all of the heartbreak and joy this world has to offer. 

Moving down here was a culture shock to our rain-soaked Washington hearts. 
The school schedule in Washington was roughly 8-2:45.  Here it is 9-3:30.  Losing friends, even frenemies was difficult.  Forging new friendships and relationships is even more so.  There are people everywhere here!  It's always hard to find a parking spot and always busy.  However we love being 20 minutes from the big city. 

Within a few months, Ahron was driving a hybrid and I was in a Chevy SUV...which I'm still getting used to!  I miss the mini-van.  We quickly consulted with a solar panel company because we couldn't afford the $500 electric bills.  We are unintentionally eco-friendly although there's nothing wrong with that. 

The stifling summer heat of the southwest seemed to stretch on and on forever.  Our days were spent in the pool with the fans circulating constantly. 

After four months here we are finally starting to get in the groove, although I wish I had more friends! 

Our next phase of life looks busy.  One in therapy, one in drum lessons and one in ballet will be a lot for me to handle.  I will finish my last two classes and be on to student teaching in January with the youngest in full-time daycare.  Oh, my mama heart.  I feel not ready and yet I must move forward.  I'm looking forward to having a professional life again and some of the perks that go with that (hello, second paycheck!) 

My husband has just less than three more years until retirement and we are focused in this season and ready for whatever this California dream has to offer us.  Onward.